
The Foundation International Education Leipzig Board sets the strategic direction of the Leipzig International School gGmbH. Together with LIS management and a steering committee of stakeholders, including parents, students and teachers, the members of the Board develop strategic goals and support the school in achieving these. They appoint both the Commercial Director and Head of School as managing directors of the gGmbH and at regular meetings, review the strategic progress of the school. The relationship between LIS gGmbH and the Foundation are defined in the Board Policy.
All three Board members are parents of LIS current students and/or alumni and have a long standing relationship with the school and the LIS community.

Elio Curti

Board Chairperson

Patrik Fahrenkamp

Deputy Chairperson

Axel Möring

Board Member

30 Years and Counting

Celebrating the Legacy and Future of Leipzig International School.

The history of LIS and indeed of Leipzig itself is a testament to what can be achieved when a few people have a vision and take a courageous step. 30 years ago, our founders could see the need – then and in the future – for a school that would enrich the landscape of education in the Region and would make the city more attractive to business and investment. Their vision – their bold risk-taking and collaboration with the city brought us to be what we are today – a flourishing school in a thriving Leipzig.

– Elio Curti –
Chairman of the Board
Stiftung International Education Leipzig

Steering Committee

On Saturday 2nd April the key stakeholders of LIS came together in a first ever collaborative workshop in what was the first step in an exciting journey of change for our school. In the months before; townhalls and listening meetings were held, along with the full community survey to gather everyone’s thoughts on the current status of LIS, it’s strengths and areas for improvement. In break out groups various core areas were discussed including: Space and Time, Culture & Community, Learning & Teaching and Vision and Identity. Key pillars for the school now and in the future.
It was important and enriching having all key stakeholders at the table: Students, Board, Management, Faculty, Staff and Parents. We truly believe that by working together we will be best set to position ourselves for the future.

Establishment of the LIS Foundation

The Board of Governors changed the legal status of the school and it’s governing body from a registered association to a non-profit limited company and a registered foundation, today known as the Foundation International Education Leipzig.
Left to right: Skadi Beblo, Jana Näther, Elio Curti, Christopher Smith, Patrik Fahrenkamp, David Smith and Thomas Pessara.